Nov 4, 2008

Start a Business for Free...

It all depends on where you live.
There are many reasons one might start a business, from a brilliant idea, to selling items on eBay. The free part, this time, is just the business setup. You should, of course, do your homework. Learn the business you’re in and have a good business plan including strategies and financials; to ensure your business’s success.
So, on to the free… Setting up an LLC is a simple process in most states. If you live in Alabama, California, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, or Ohio you might even make some change. If you want a primer on LLC’s just Google Search “benefits of LLC”.
Once you’re ready, simply visit the Secretary of State webpage for your state or to see a list of state filing fees nicely compiled by ISG Telecom , visit this link . If your state is less than $75.00, you’re in luck. File the form either online, by mail, or in person. In person is usually faster. The form is relatively simple. If you can read, write, and have a concept of your business, you can file this form. Then go to your bank to get the cash back.
Most banks offer a referral for opening a business account. Your newly formed business will need an account. Bank of America, for example, offers $50.00 for the referral. Wachovia Bank gives $75.00 (I saw a placard in a branch), and your local bank may have a similar or better deal. Yes, there’s usually a minimum deposit and there may be some terms or conditions. Check with your bank for details.
That’s it.
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